I come across a lot of employers who tell me that they have had to find light duties for their employee, because the doctor told them to. When pressed about this, it is often apparent that no light duties existed and the employee is being paid to sit around. The employer felt obligated to allow this and no questions were asked. Here’s a Checklist which you may find helpful when presented with a request for amended duties.
Making Adjustments Checklist
- Have you received a Statement of Fitness for Work from the employee’s GP?
- Has the GP recommended something you can consider implementing for this employee?
If Yes, proceed to Question 5. If No, proceed to Question 3.
- Have you got an objective justification for not acting on the recommendation?
- Advise the employee you cannot accommodate the GP’s recommendations and write to confirm outcome using a template letter.
5. Have you completed the Impact Assessment Form
6. Have you considered the duration you can make this adjustment/alteration
7. Consider the people who would be impacted by this decision and how you will inform them.
8. Discuss the adjustment/alteration with the employee?
9. Do they agree to return to work on the basis of what you can accommodate and the GP’s recommendation? If Yes, proceed to Question 11.
10. If they don’t agree do you accept this or do you wish to challenge their non co-operation?
11. Have you covered with the employee what the impact will be of this accommodation, i.e. on their pay if they are working part time rather than full.
12. Write to the employee to agree the scope of the accommodation and any review dates.
13. Advise colleagues and others who will be impacted. Do not breach confidentiality.
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